Pupstart Family Dog Training


We offer in-person dog behavior consulting in Des Moines, Iowa, and the metro area, as well as virtual consulting and phone consults nationwide!

Pupstart Dog Behavior Consulting has been in business since 1998. The company's mission is to:

  • Promote methods and business practices that are kind and ethical to both humans and dogs;

  • Always advocate for the LIMA principle (Least Invasive/Minimally Aversive) when trouble-shooting;

  • Offer relevant and practical advice;

  • Resolve or improve undesirable behavior;

  • Use reward-based training tools and techniques, and, 

  • Provide the latest accurate and evidence-based information, solid instruction, thorough training plans, and close follow-up.

Dana Fedman, CPDT-KA, CDBC, owns Pupstart, LLC, in Des Moines, Iowa. Business Insurers of the Carolinas insures Pupstart.

Wondering what this alphabet soup means?

The CPDT-KA certification means "Certified Professional Dog Trainer - Knowledge Assessed." This credential is from the independent and accredited Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers (CCPDT.) She was one of the first dog trainers in the United States to pass the first CPDT exam in upstate New York when first offered in September 2001.

Dana also has the Certified Dog Behavior Consultant (CDBC) credential from the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC.) 

Trainers certified through IAABC and CCPDT must keep their knowledge current with continuing education units (CEUs). Dana traveled across the United States for conferences and seminars. Since the pandemic, she has regularly participated in streaming conferences, webinars, and online courses.

The brightest minds provide content in dog training, behavior, veterinary behavior medicine, and running a successful training business. These are the continuing education units Dana has accumulated since 2001. Public speaking engagements, CEUs recognized by the CCPDT and IAABC, and non-recognized educational units are included.

Dana lives in Des Moines, Iowa, with her husband.

Zak Russell (pictured above) was their just-shy-of 12-year-old Golden Retriever. He passed away on 05/10/24 of hemangiosarcoma, overtaking multiple organs. He was the 800th member of the AKC Morris Animal Foundation's Golden Retriever Lifetime Study. Zak is now Angel Hero #800. He is greatly missed.

Liked: walkies, sucking on his woobie, stomping on and rolling in mud, eating "lawn biscuits" (what falls off the underside of the lawn mower blade), car rides, stuffed Classic Kongs and West Paw Qwizl toys, playing "Tug of Peace," and SNACKS!

Disliked: No walkies. Hair mats. Blow dryers after baffs. Insufficient cheese.

© 2025 Pupstart Family Dog Training. All rights reserved.